Properties view

The Properties →view displays the properties for a selected item, such as a →resource.

If the Properties view is not visible, you can add it to the current →perspective: Select Window – Show View – Other... –  General – Properties
Alternative: In menu Navigate, select Show In – Properties

To see more detailed information about a resource than the Properties view gives you, use command Properties in the context menu of the resource.

In this article:

Components of Properties

Columns in view

The following columns are visible within Properties:

  • Column Property provides the name of the property.

  • Column Value provides the value of the property.

Context menu for view

Right-clicking inside the view opens a context menu. This context menu allows you to perform standard actions, such as copying the selected property.

Toolbar for view

The view also provides a toolbar with buttons to influence the displayed content in Properties:


Action performed when clicking the button

Show Categories

toggling to display properties by category or not

Show Advanced Properties

toggling to filter advanced properties or not

 Restore Default Value

restoring the selected property to its default value

Pins this property view to the current selection

forcing the current selection within the view (until becomes deactivated)

View Menu

opening a menu of commands (e.g. New Properties View to open a new Properties view)